Sunday, June 7, 2009

My "Blooming" Portrait Studio

Robin and I started planting various bulbs and throwing seeds into the soil about nine months ago, and we're starting to see the fruits of our labor... SO many varieties of flowering plants are coming up. I wanted it to be a hodgepodge of color, nothing formal or geometic, and I think I achieved the results I wanted! It's hard to see from far away in this particular image, but everything is starting to bloom! The studio is becoming a storage shed for now, but when I move to Joshua, it will transform into the portrait studio I have always dreamed of!!!


Rhonda said...

Oh how fun!!!

Christy said...

I LOVE it! That is so fun. :)

Crystal said...

It already looks so "YOU". Lovin it big time. I'll come for a visit soon (and retrieve my chairs).