Friday, December 11, 2009

A Christmas Pageant

Kylah's after-school daycare had their Christmas pageant. Kylah participated in the "Twelve Days of Christmas" song. She was "three french hens." She did beautifully and I was very proud of her; she always knows her part and is a very enthusiastic performer!

Friday, November 13, 2009

My latest creation uploaded to my stock photo site.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


My trip to Tennessee was so incredible. Of course, it was awesome being with family, in particular my Mother. We went on a 6 mile hike through the Smokies, walking alongside a roaring river, tumbling over rock faces with small waterfalls, and covered with awesome autumn trees. The leaves were falling around us... it was so cool. A definite highlight. We also went barn-quilt searching. There are actual maps that lead you to hundreds of these quilt patterns on the sides of barns. Of course we only got to about 15, but it was a lot of fun and very interesting. It took us to places we never would have gone otherwise. We also took a two day trip to North Carolina, to tour the Biltmore Estate and stay one night at the Biltmore Inn. This is a world I'm not familiar with... the ultra rich. It was incredible, and again, so gorgeous set against the spectacular fall splendor. We took another drive through the Appalachian mountains, getting a different, more landscape-like view of the Fall color, and discovered a cool, small, somewhat undiscovered campground that the Ranger says never fills up. We are going to go back there some day, I hope, for actual camping. And then it was the best part... simply time with family... Mother, my sister Stacey and her husband, my niece and her family. That is my niece Megan's son in one of the pictures... Riley. He is just adorable, and treated me like he sees me every day... allowing me to love him up and play with him. And it was my Mother's 82nd birthday. It was so great spending this time with them all.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


'Tis the season... here's Kylah all decked out and ready to play!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Scout and Star

Do these babies have it rough or what? My gorgeous paints tweaked with a vintage look.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Grandchildren--- Such Joy!

Here's some shots of another wonderful time with my Granddaughter, Kylah.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Family Fun... and "my little fish"

Had a fun family day at a lakefront home on Eagle Mountain Lake near Fort Worth, with Carl, Chelle, Kylah and Robin. We had brunch, cruised in a boat, and jumped in the lake fully clothed (hey... I haven't worn a bathing suit in a very long time). Then we sat poolside watching my granddaughter (the little fish) imitate baluga whales, float, swim like a pro, and have underwater tea parties. And then a game that Kylah won (of course!!! - and no favors there, she really won). A wonderful family day!!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Scout, Star & Clyde

Here are a few of our four legged babies. The menagerie includes four dogs, a handful of chickens, two ducks, two horses, and one donkey. So far. hehehe. These three new babies are SO WONDERFUL. They love attention, and treats and come when called.

The upcoming move is progressing... new job, check. yard sale, check. mortar work done on front and back porches, check. 20 crepe myrtle trees trimmed, check. Now we need to do some other minor repairs, some touch-up painting, a major cleaning job, putting my house up for sale, marriage, and VOILA... off to Joshua, Texas!!! (Notice how I just put marriage in there as if I was listing off groceries... MARRIAGE!!! OHMYGOSH!!!)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tarrant County College - South Campus Library

I'm here!!! Finally!!! I have been trying, for about a year, to get transferred to the South Campus of the junior college I work for. There are five campuses, and this one is closest to my house (about 5 minutes away) and CLOSER to Robin's house. When I move to his place which will be our place, I will still have about a 40 minute commute, but that is certainly better than the almost 90 minute commute I would have had while I was on Northeast Campus. I'm in the Library, which is shown above, and if you can imagine my window office on the 2nd floor... voila!!! That's me!!! The people here are GREAT... such a sweet, great group! Thank you, again, Lord... it's all falling into place!!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Kylah Time!!!

I had Kylah time this weekend, and a great bonus was some time with Crystal too. Crystal and I have not been able to get together much lately, due to conflicting schedules, so she joined Kylah and me at a pottery painting shack in Dallas (in truth, it was Crystal's idea, since I had yet to come up with a special treat for Kylah). We had SO MUCH fun, Kylah got to pick out a project to paint - we all three did actually). Such great moments, such great memories! And doesn't she look FABULOUS in her pretty dress!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

My "Blooming" Portrait Studio

Robin and I started planting various bulbs and throwing seeds into the soil about nine months ago, and we're starting to see the fruits of our labor... SO many varieties of flowering plants are coming up. I wanted it to be a hodgepodge of color, nothing formal or geometic, and I think I achieved the results I wanted! It's hard to see from far away in this particular image, but everything is starting to bloom! The studio is becoming a storage shed for now, but when I move to Joshua, it will transform into the portrait studio I have always dreamed of!!!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Kylah graduates from pre-school!!!

Not to brag or anything, but she was salutatorian of her graduating class, and gave an awesome speech! She was given two awards... "Most Theatrical" and "I Can Read." I'm a proud grandma!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Wedding

I had the privilege of shooting a wedding this weekend, it was so beautiful, heartfelt, and fun!!! Isn't the bride gorgeous?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

It's a Birthday!!! Five Years Old???

Where does the time go. My grandaughter, Kylah, is five! Here are pictures from her family gathering for her birthday at The Purple Cow... her favorite hamburger-malt shop joint!!! Happy birthday sweet baby girl!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Tina Marie

Here's my new girl. I am beyond excited that this dream of over 40 years has finally come true!!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Round Top, Texas

I took a drive to Round Top, Texas this weekend. If you've never heard of Round Top... it is famous for it's HUGE, and I mean miles and miles long HUGE antique sale. The City of Round Top boasts a population of 70, but all the surrounding farmers and homes rent out space on their property, and dealers from all over the country come and set up their goods, some under tents, some in buildings, some in homes, some set out on the lawn. It's an almost a three hour drive for me, but I have only been once when I first moved here, and I wanted to check it out again, particularly to see how the bluebonnets were doing on the drive... yes, the Bluebonnet Chaser is still at it, and will be for probably two more weekends. It was a long drive, but a pleasant one with my Sugarland (and other) music for company.